Wednesday, March 28, 2012

More Fog, Please

How long can one hover over a keyboard before actually typing something? Getting this started feels like so many other things in my life right now. I can see the value or necessity in them but it takes laser focus to just put one foot in front of the other and get anything done. I am emerging from the fog of losing Dan and find myself craving the fog. Without it, I can see more clearly what Life #2 will look like and the view is leaving a little to be desired. I was reminded the other day that God will never let go of me. It was during the course of a phone conversation. My friend said it and then repeated it again later. I was caught off guard with her reminder, not because I haven't heard it before, but because I was not in acute emotional distress and it seemed out of the blue. I can compare it to someone saying "Oh, by the way, I spoke with God this morning and He's been having a hard time reaching you so he wanted me to tell you that He will never let go of you". It wasn't, of course, out of the blue. It was out of the heart of God. I am thankful that God is still holding on to me and reaching me right where I am...even if I don't know where that is.